Line in Record @I11051@ (RIN 11051) from GEDCOM file not recognized:
The Landis/Strickler Mennonite Cemetery is a private property farm cemetery located in Hummelstown,Middletown Road, Dauphin, PA.
The Landis/Strickler Mennonite Cemetery is a private property farm cemetery located in Hummelstown,Middletown Road, Dauphin, PA.
This individual has the following other parents in the Ancestral File:
Robert /TITUS/ (AFN:46H7-VJ) and Hannah /UXOR/ (AFN:8MH7-8G)
This individual has the following other parents in the Ancestral File:
William /WASHBURN(E)/ (AFN:46H7-XV) and Jane // (AFN:8MH7-K1)
William /WASHBURN(E)/ (AFN:46H7-XV) and Jane // (AFN:8XGX-MR)
William /WASHBURN(E)/ (AFN:46H7-XV) and Jane // (AFN:915R-CX)
This individual has the following other parents in the Ancestral File:
William /WASHBURN(E)/ (AFN:46H7-XV) and Jane // (AFN:8MH7-K1)
William /WASHBURN(E)/ (AFN:46H7-XV) and Jane // (AFN:8XGX-MR)
William /WASHBURN(E)/ (AFN:46H7-XV) and Jane // (AFN:915R-CX)
Line 3214 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long:
BIRT PLAC Of St. Katherine's, London, Middlesex, EnglandThis individual has the following other parents in the Ancestral File:
Silas /TITUS/ (AFN:95B6-2T) and Constatia // (AFN:95B6-31)
Silas /TITUS/ (AFN:8MH7-GH) and Constantalia // (AFN:8MH7-HN)
Line 3214 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long:
BIRT PLAC Of St. Katherine's, London, Middlesex, EnglandThis individual has the following other parents in the Ancestral File:
Silas /TITUS/ (AFN:95B6-2T) and Constatia // (AFN:95B6-31)
Silas /TITUS/ (AFN:8MH7-GH) and Constantalia // (AFN:8MH7-HN)